Mostafa Anwer Ewees, E., Z. khalifa, E., E. Selim, M., M. Eloraby, W. (2024). Characterization and identification of stem rust resistance in some Egyptian wheat varieties. Menoufia Journal of Plant Protection, 9(12), 315-318. doi: 10.21608/mjapam.2024.405996
Enas Mostafa Anwer Ewees; E. Z. khalifa; M. E. Selim; W. M. Eloraby. "Characterization and identification of stem rust resistance in some Egyptian wheat varieties". Menoufia Journal of Plant Protection, 9, 12, 2024, 315-318. doi: 10.21608/mjapam.2024.405996
Mostafa Anwer Ewees, E., Z. khalifa, E., E. Selim, M., M. Eloraby, W. (2024). 'Characterization and identification of stem rust resistance in some Egyptian wheat varieties', Menoufia Journal of Plant Protection, 9(12), pp. 315-318. doi: 10.21608/mjapam.2024.405996
Mostafa Anwer Ewees, E., Z. khalifa, E., E. Selim, M., M. Eloraby, W. Characterization and identification of stem rust resistance in some Egyptian wheat varieties. Menoufia Journal of Plant Protection, 2024; 9(12): 315-318. doi: 10.21608/mjapam.2024.405996
Characterization and identification of stem rust resistance in some Egyptian wheat varieties
2Prof. of Plant Pathology, Fac. of Agric., Menoufia Univ.
3Chief Researcher of Plant Pathology ''ARC'', Giza
Wheat (T. aestivum) is a major staple food crop in modern societies, providing 20% of the caloric intake globally. The leading wheat-producing nations are China, India, and the United States, which annually produce 100, 70, and 64 million tons, respectively. Increasing modernization and industrialization on a global scale have changed the diets of developing countries, leading to increased consumption of grains and an increased global demand. In Egypt, it occupies about 3 million feddans which yield approximately 8 million tons. Wheat is liable to be attacked by many diseases particularly rust diseases.